Sunday 17 September 2017

St Charles Lwanga Bukerere Secondary School

Great news that St Charles Lwanga Bukerere Secondary School, Mukono, is now linked with Guildford County School.

St Charles shares Guildford County School's commitment to teaching music. St Charles School also teaches dance.

Sue, one of our Trustees who visited St Charles School, remembers the commitment of the school's headteacher.

The school has also developed a garden on a 600 square meter plot of land. It was started in 2013 and is cultivated by the children.

They grow bananas, paw paws, beans and maize. They utilize a seedbed and most seeds are purchased. They use the soil from the rubbish pits as compost in the garden. The garden is designed to control water and soil erosion. The water used in the garden is from a well and rainwater.

The garden is well-fenced in order to control unwanted access to it. Most of the harvest is eaten at school by the children.

The greatest challenges of the garden are the pests that are rampant and that destroy the crops, such as maize, and the limited time that the children have to look after their garden.

Donations to Guildford Mukono Link

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